Hello, FireEscape friends! Let me introduce myself. My name is Matthew Parks. I am the new guy at the FireEscape. There has been much debate as to what my official title will be. Administrator is what I will be doing, but I think that "New Guy" better describes my situation. Whatever the case may be, I am excited to be a part of this ministry. I am writing this blog as an introduction but also to start the conversation between the collaborators of the FireEscape and myself. I want to eventually get to know you all, though it might take some time.
Here is a little bit about my life. I have been and will always be from Missouri, so don't even try to convert me to be a Jayhawk or Wildcat. Sarcasm aside, Kansas is now my home, but this will be the first time I have lived anywhere outside of Missouri in 28 years. I grew up in a small village (a say village because the population was about 30 people in the actual "city" limits), graduated from public school with 13 people, and went to college at MSSU in Joplin. It was there that I met and married my wife, Amelia, a native of Kansas.
After graduating from MSSU with a degree in Psychology, I managed a homeless shelter in Joplin for a year during which the EF-5 tornado hit. My wife, 7 months pregnant with our first child, and I were fortunate not have not lost everything. Needless to say, it was a humbling experience. A year later I started full-time as the Youth and Worship Pastor at a church in Carthage where I have been until now.
I have been working with youth and college-aged students for many years. While at MSSU I was heavily involved in leadership teams at the Baptist Student Union leading worship and Bible studies. I loved the college experience. I am one of those people who would be a lifetime student, if it didn't cost so much. I am currently working on a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary to sharpen up skills to be able to better minister to students of upcoming generations.
Besides a love for learning, I thoroughly enjoy drinking coffee, devouring books, leading a worship band, teaching the Bible, making disciples, discussing theology, watching bogus action movies, playing guitar, weightlifting, one-on-one conversations, and spending time with my three precious princesses: Josie, Priscilla, and Clara, and their fitness-loving, coffee-drinking, blog-writing, friendship-focused, stay-at home-Mamma.
My desire is that the FireEscape Coffeehouse will continue to be a place where young Christian adults will be challenged to live out a deeper faith in Jesus Christ and where those who are searching for hope and purpose will hear Jesus' message and find meaning in Him. Making disciples that follow passionately after Jesus is my goal, and I eagerly invite anyone who is willing to join Christians everywhere in this great yet challenging journey. I believe that God is doing great things in Chanute, Kansas, and He is going to use people like you and me to do it. Are you ready? I know I am. Let's expand His kingdom together for His glory.
If you are interested in helping out in any way, let us know. Whether it be building relationships with students, planning events, cleaning up, or making lattes, we would love for you to be involved. Give us a call at 620-431-5815 or shoot us an email at [email protected].
Here is a little bit about my life. I have been and will always be from Missouri, so don't even try to convert me to be a Jayhawk or Wildcat. Sarcasm aside, Kansas is now my home, but this will be the first time I have lived anywhere outside of Missouri in 28 years. I grew up in a small village (a say village because the population was about 30 people in the actual "city" limits), graduated from public school with 13 people, and went to college at MSSU in Joplin. It was there that I met and married my wife, Amelia, a native of Kansas.
After graduating from MSSU with a degree in Psychology, I managed a homeless shelter in Joplin for a year during which the EF-5 tornado hit. My wife, 7 months pregnant with our first child, and I were fortunate not have not lost everything. Needless to say, it was a humbling experience. A year later I started full-time as the Youth and Worship Pastor at a church in Carthage where I have been until now.
I have been working with youth and college-aged students for many years. While at MSSU I was heavily involved in leadership teams at the Baptist Student Union leading worship and Bible studies. I loved the college experience. I am one of those people who would be a lifetime student, if it didn't cost so much. I am currently working on a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary to sharpen up skills to be able to better minister to students of upcoming generations.
Besides a love for learning, I thoroughly enjoy drinking coffee, devouring books, leading a worship band, teaching the Bible, making disciples, discussing theology, watching bogus action movies, playing guitar, weightlifting, one-on-one conversations, and spending time with my three precious princesses: Josie, Priscilla, and Clara, and their fitness-loving, coffee-drinking, blog-writing, friendship-focused, stay-at home-Mamma.
My desire is that the FireEscape Coffeehouse will continue to be a place where young Christian adults will be challenged to live out a deeper faith in Jesus Christ and where those who are searching for hope and purpose will hear Jesus' message and find meaning in Him. Making disciples that follow passionately after Jesus is my goal, and I eagerly invite anyone who is willing to join Christians everywhere in this great yet challenging journey. I believe that God is doing great things in Chanute, Kansas, and He is going to use people like you and me to do it. Are you ready? I know I am. Let's expand His kingdom together for His glory.
If you are interested in helping out in any way, let us know. Whether it be building relationships with students, planning events, cleaning up, or making lattes, we would love for you to be involved. Give us a call at 620-431-5815 or shoot us an email at [email protected].